3 Potential Problems Caused by Poor Indoor Air Quality in Joshua, TX

Homeowners should strive to make sure that their Joshua, TX home has the highest possible indoor air quality (IAQ). Neglecting this duty can have some wide-ranging and unfortunate effects. Here are only three of the consequences of living in a home with poor IAQ.

1. Poor Health

If you’re inhaling dirty air every day, you’ll likely experience some level of discomfort. This can worsen and transform into one or more of a wide variety of tangible health problems.

Inhaling pollutants like dust, pollen, and pet dander can irritate your mouth, throat, lungs, and sinuses. You may experience many allergy-like symptoms, including coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, and an itchy throat. If you endure prolonged exposure to high concentrations of certain air pollutants, you could be at risk of developing life-threatening respiratory diseases like lung cancer and COPD.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that a wide variety of common household products release into the air at room temperature. You may find VOCs in various paints, cleaners, pesticides, beauty products, and automotive supplies. If you inhale them over an extended period of time, you may suffer headaches, nausea, vomiting and nosebleeds, and may even end up losing consciousness.

2. Poor HVAC Performance

Airborne pollutants can harm your HVAC system just as severely as they can harm you. Dust, pollen, pet dander, and organic growth are trapped by your HVAC system’s filter. Excessive amounts of these airborne pollutants can choke off airflow and diminish overall system performance.

Additionally, airborne contaminants can accumulate on the components of your HVAC system that are responsible for transferring heat. To prevent these issues, we urge you to change your air filter regularly and schedule seasonal HVAC maintenance.

3. Poor Sleep

Pollutants in your air do not go away once you fall asleep. Since these things can easily disrupt your sleep, they can leave you feeling lethargic during the day and may even encourage the onset of an almost endless list of health issues. They can also adversely affect your productivity at work.

Don’t allow the air in your home in Joshua, TX to remain dirty. Call NexGen Heating & Air Conditioning and get IAQ solutions today.

Image provided by iStock

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