3 Signs of a Faulty Furnace Limit Switch in Joshua, TX

The purpose of a limit switch is to turn the entire blower system in your furnace on and off when its temperature sensor indicates that the furnace’s internal temperature matches the thermostat’s setting. When the temperature is too high, the limit switch turns the burners off, allowing the fan to blow cool air. Here are three pieces of advice to help you determine whether you have a faulty furnace limit switch in Joshua, TX.

1. Frequent Cycling

Frequent cycling is when your furnace turns on and off more frequently than it’s supposed to. Normally, your furnace should turn on if the temperature in your home is below the level you’ve set on your thermostat and turn off after completing a heating cycle.

Since the limit switch regulates your furnace’s air distribution abilities, malfunctions with this component could easily prevent the unit from conducting a heating cycle. That could very well result in improper cycling.

2. The System Won’t Turn Off

Another possible consequence of a broken limit switch is that your furnace may fail to turn off. If the furnace unrelentingly pushes out hot air far beyond the point where you need it, you can be confident that some regulatory mechanism has gone haywire. The limit switch may be that regulatory mechanism.

3. Furnace Blows Out Cold Air

Yet another way that a bad limit switch might reveal itself is if your furnace suddenly begins expelling cold air into your home. Be aware, however, that many different things can cause this specific problem and that it is the job of an HVAC repair or maintenance technician to find whether a bad limit switch is responsible.

It may be that your thermostat works normally and that there’s nothing wrong with your furnace’s ignition system. But if the limit switch breaks, the unit may stop producing warm air but still blow out air anyway. This will cause cold air to flow into your home.

Without a working limit switch, you can’t expect consistent behavior from your furnace this winter in Joshua, TX. Call NexGen Heating & Air Conditioning, schedule heating repair services, and let us take care of things.

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