5 Signs You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality in Joshua, TX

If you live in an area with high outdoor pollution levels, your home could be suffering from poor indoor air quality. Other everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, and using your HVAC system can also contribute to the quality of the air you breathe. Keep reading to learn about these common signs of poor air quality in Joshua, TX.

1. Unexplained Cold Symptoms

Bad indoor air quality can make you feel like you’re constantly suffering from influenza or the common cold. Your symptoms may include headaches, itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, or a runny nose. These symptoms often occur after you’ve been in contact with airborne pollutants like pollen, dust mites, or bacteria.

2. Hyperactive Allergies

If you notice your allergies are occurring more frequently or out of season, your air quality could be the cause. Your hyperactive allergies may not go away even if you take medication, clean your home, or eliminate visible allergens.

3. Skin Irritation and Dryness

Poor indoor air quality can damage your mucus membranes as well as dry out your skin. You may notice painful flaking, cracking, and peeling. You may even develop unpleasant red bumps or rashes.

4. Constant Fatigue and Dizziness

Certain airborne contaminants, like carbon monoxide, can make you feel sleepy, dizzy, or fatigued. Immediately leave your home if you experience a rapid onset of these symptoms. Unchecked gas leaks can put your whole household’s safety at risk.

5.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Prolonged exposure to harmful pollutants can eventually lead to respiratory issues like COPD. This lung disease causes chest tightness, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The best way to protect your respiratory health is to invest in air purification systems.

Bad indoor air quality can manifest as common cold symptoms, dry skin, constant fatigue, and hyperactive allergies. Contact us at NexGen Heating & Air Conditioning for prompt preventative HVAC maintenance in Joshua, TX that boosts your essential air quality.

Image provided by iStock

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